Friday 26 November 2010

The Anglican Christ Church Cathedral

"You're now standing at the former slave market site, the world's last open slave market and notorious place, where slaves from East and Central Africa regions were bought and sold. [...]
The Cathedral stands exactly on the site of the former slave market and the high altar marks the location of the old whipping post." (Sign outside Cathedral entrance)


I was told to sit down outside a random curio shop. Ali, the Lebanese, was resting on a sculpted bench as his daughters discovered new uses for the Masai weapons sold there. The owner of the shop watched helplessly.
"You must feel really guilt," Ali told me. His eyes were amber and deep - not unlike an old lion's. "What you Portuguese, the English, the Spaniards did here was horrible. And then you say it is some Arab sheik's fault. No Arab has founded a country on the shoulders of slaves. All of you did. But now you have machines, you don't need the slaves any more. You discard them - and their memory. Can you throw away the guilt so easily? - In the end, we will all be judged. It is a matter of days, now, not years."

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