Tuesday 23 November 2010

Captain Jackson and his seafood stand

Sugar Cane Juice

In the Market


I was sitting at the fountain, watching the people at the night-market and noticed that my silent shadow, my little mute companion who had sat next to me and watched me for an hour, had disappeared. I could not tell if he had been gone long.

No later than I realised he was missing, he came back with a wallet in his hand. He sat by my side, counted the money and smiled a devilish grin.

Let’s call him Aladdin.


  1. Sugar.. cane.. juice?! :D Any good? Also, omg eyelashes! They're even better than yours! Hahaha are you his munkay companion?

  2. Yeah, it's ridiculously sweet but I like it. They add ginger and lime for flavouring.
    And no, I'm nobody's munkay.
