Sunday 26 February 2012

"Why We Haven't Been Writing

First of all, and this is something you may have noticed yourself, it's difficult to write when you've been taken hostage by pandas. We spend most of our free time eating bamboo, and they deeply resent our wanting to take time out to write blog entries. Pandas don't blog, ever, and they distrust animals that do. "

From Unremitting Failure

Tuesday 21 February 2012

"Nothing is more idealistic than angry people looking for a way to make themselves seem above others. Being in the exclusive club of authenticity, as it seems you consider yourself to be a member of, does little more than make you look like you have nothing better to do than belittle other people. Everyone has different reasons for backpacking, and that said, everyone has a different background. If you have learned anything in your travels it should be to appreciate these differences and try and see life from someone elses point of view. ... No one goes backpacking out of necessity, you jerk, people do it for adventure…you say "Most backpackers would rather stay in nice hotels, but they can’t afford to, so they go backpacking" –It’s not like poor people go backpacking because it’s the only way of life available to them, if people wanted luxury they wouldn’t go backpacking to begin with."

- Lauren on "Things I hate about Backpacking"

Saturday 18 February 2012

"and for the first time it occurs to me how bad it must have got to make her leave something that meant that much to her, that made so many people happy.

Her cheeks are black with wet eye-make-up and it's smearing on the sheets and the pillow as she sobs and I hold her tight, and try with all my might to understand."

- Neil Gaiman, On Amanda Palmer & The Dresden Dolls

Friday 17 February 2012

As the sun came up, I thought of something funny and ironic and strong that begun with the line "on the plus side..."

I can't remember what the hell it was. I can't even imagine it anymore.

Crumb (1994)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

"We return to the land of milk and honey. In our gnarly, battered tour bus we follow the path of the wagon trains. The West Coast calls; sorry East Coast fans - economics. Next time. Been wanting a crack at Coachella for a while and now we have our shot. Then on to South America. Returning to the passion of Mexico, Chile and on to the virgin territories of Brazil and Argentina. Don't miss us, you never know how much more of this we have in us. Here's to connection, unity and the fever of dancing naked under a full moon." - James announced at 18.30 today. They know what they're here for.

Monday 13 February 2012

Where she leads me I do not know,
Well she leads me where she goes.

But I can't leave her behind.
Icy crystals covered the windows of the car. Nothing but the moon was moving. It was midnight and there was nobody else there and I turned on the radio. The voice came through, loaded with a strange accent, static and airwave salvation.
"And the Lord said, walk down the old ways, stick to the old paths. Look to the old truths. Keep to the old ways, and I will provide rest for your soul. And you want to rest your soul, don't you, dear listener?"


- És completamente desprendido e muitas vezes o preço de se opor o contexto (pequeno-burguês, judaico-cristão) é muito alto. Eu passei anos sozinha e às vezes o preço é esse. Há uma enorme solidão na oposição...


"I had to change too. Change plans, change ideas. Join the other side, the one with all the caretas. It wasn't just me anymore - I did it for her."
"That's how they catch you, huh?"
"But we all want to be caught."


Nowhere Man. It feels like I listened to this song for the very first time yesterday.